The IDRT staff has been making instructional materials using the myASLTech tools for a few years and sharing them with people on our mailing list. In case you missed any of them, here is a list of links where you can still get them. If you made something amazing using myASLTech images or videos and want to share them too, just send a copy to: This is a great way to enrich our students’ education and help each other lighten the load of doing just that.

Don’t forget! - myASLTech members have their own personal banks in the Amazon cloud where they can store products they make with many of the myASLTech tools (i.e., mySignGenerator, myConceptGenerator, myASLPublisher, myASLQuizmaker). Members can link their personal banks with other members’ banks with mutual agreement. See the myASLTech Colleagues button on the myASLTech home screen for instructions on how to get started.

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