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myASL Quizmaker Home
This unique software enables a user (e.g., teacher, psychologist, speech/language pathologist, parent) to create, distribute, and grade customized tests,
exams, and quizzes with automatic ASL graphic and video translations. The English-to-ASL translation capabilities of this assistive technology includes
a lexicon of over 30,000 English words, phrases, idioms, numbers, and symbols. ASL translations are represented as both pictures and video clips.
Special features:
Develop quizzes using six different question templates: multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank with options provided, fill in the blank with open answers, essay, and short answer.
- Use translation flexibility options:
Select signs when there are more than one option;
Hide signs (e.g., to conform with ASL grammar or if a sign conveys an answer);
Fingerspell a word (e.g., if a sign conveys an answer or if there is no sign for the word);
Use a concept graphic (coming soon);
Play video clips that reflect your sign selections; or
Put in your own ASL translation video.
- Search and retrieve your and your colleagues’ Banks of previously developed quizzes and questions to improve your efficiency.
- Establish rosters of students and assign individual quizzes to those rosters.
- Establish rosters of other colleagues with whom you can create and share quizzes and questions.
- Have quizzes available to students at prescribed times and durations.
- Retrieve completed quizzes with automatic scoring of some question types (e.g., true/false, multiple choice).
- Issue grades and corrected quizzes to students.
- Generate statistical reports of student performance and quiz results.